Felisha Raymond
5 min readFeb 11, 2022



Topic of The Story !!!!!!!


Location Spiro, Oklahoma


Well I want to share this story with people. There is a lot of stuff on the internet still to this day about this lady who supposedly they said shot a man.


But, there was no proof of her doing it just hearsay and the media still has her out there as if she is a murder or violent person. In this day in age that is like a Target on her back . It’s not right how the media can write a story and not have their facts upon the event. I believe that this girl is innocent due to her telling me her story .

There was a lot of illegal activity going on at her home a lot of drugs alcohol and people still and doing a lot of illegal activity. She admits that she’s not Angel and that she has done a lot of things.

But she says to me oh, Ma’am really to be honest everyone try to make me believe that I did do that even the media I was so high on drugs that you could almost convince me of anything. One night I was watching the news and on the news I seen the lady that ran over hit by a car and she was pregnant oh, she said ma’am why was watching that news I swore up and down that I was on that hit that pregnant lady and drove away. Ladies and gentlemen I really think that this is a sign of schizophrenia induced by methamphetamines. I’m not saying that she has his friend or am I trying to diagnose the lady but for somebody to really believe that they hurt they’re all man killed him and ran over pregnant woman she has mental problems due to hard drug intake most likely. I’m going to give you two different stories 1 is the phone I’m written this in defense of Felisha ‘cuz the way the media has her still out there when you search her name as a woman wanted for shooting a man. That is holding her back from getting a job holding her back from proceeding to do the next right thing in life. How is that even fair to her whenever you’re going to have for a job interview and the first time I asked you about is what did you shoot that man, and her response will be well am I in prison she .

Well ladies and gent let’s get into more detail about the 911 call that was made oh, and how is says she broke into his home , and was attempting to hold a pillow over the guy’s head and shoot him . And remind you this is house so this all happen at her house.

2015 there was this womam Whose nightmare was now reality. In a small town in Oklahoma the town was called Spiro.

So as I’m listening to this 911 call that was made by the victim Tyler who was the man that supposedly Felicia shot at point-blank range and also pursue say they said allegedly that she held a pillow over his head and shot him two different articles. Well I’m really wanting some input on this the readers who read about this because Felicia is going to write a book upon her life is going to be about the gypsy girl and how she had not being dealt a good deck of cards from the job the how her deck of cards has now came to her and I lied that she sees for the good not for the bad that has happened or what she’s done in her past but she sees a future now. She’s ready to get out there an adventure and to live life. She never got to live a live she’s always been on drugs which her mother at the age of 12 gave to her this girl has never had a chance and now today she sits here and struggles to get a job. Not because she’s a convicted felon but because of the first thing that pops up is women wanted for shooting a man number one suspect. Now ladies and Gentlemen let’s be honest here would you really want that person in your work job site wherever it is whatever type of job you may have and working with you or next to you thinking in your head that this girl was one-time wanted for shooting somebody or for trying to kill somebody. No I’m going to be hard as hell no would I want somebody in my company working that is less than all over the internet as if she is a killer or wannabe killer or could kill somebody that wouldn’t look good on my company do with it and probably lose a lot of freaking customers.

Now on defense for Felicia is it right that we’re going to judge by what we see when we look her up? No it’s not her fault due to the fact that all charges was dismissed and for the media that have that on there still is affecting her extremely like somebody that’s out there that reads this I hope would reach out to Felicia and let her know how and what to do about the media the online people with the journalist that has is salted this young lady and disregarded her ability and made her look as if she is something that she is not. She’s crying out for help she’s wanting to get a job she’s wanting to do better but it seems like every time she gets almost through the door something will pop up like for instance the internet Google Google Felisha Louann Raymond Carshall .

I’m just going to go ahead and put this out there so if anyone knows any good attorneys or lawyers that could help Felicia it and pursuing this slander that these journalists has done to her name discrediting her ability to be productive are too be able to be around people. So if you know someone that can help her get that off the internet or force a clear it like it’s never been there before and helped her sue the people that disregarded her name and made her as if she is a animal. They Splendid her name they did her in big time. I mean that could be one of us that could be our kids or daughter or son or grandkids I mean come on y’all that’s just real crazy to me. So anyways I’m going to go ahead and get this little blog I just throw out so that I can get feedback from y’all, and see what y’all think she should do.

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Felisha Raymond

I'm 30 year's old and I want to share my experience with people. I want to open people's eyes to see that people who are locked up are not all bad.